The NFT art world was built upon a basic premise: providing support for a project to benefit from its success. Sadly, market volatility and crypto rugpulls make it unappealing to most. Using the same fundamental idea minus the pitfalls and inherent risks is the core foundation of Ultra Gallery. Listed below are Rights to our partner artists’ artworks. These pieces will play a significant role in the future of Empire Ultra, giving others the chance to participate in our many projects.
🛠️ Real Utility: Provides passive and active income streams. Holders are also entitled to distributor discounts on Empire Ultra products and services.
💰 Profit-Sharing: There are many plans—from potential NFT blockchain listings (e.g. OpenSea) to physical merchandising—holders will get half of everything earned.
📈 Strict Floor Price: Since the Ownership Rights themselves are not on any blockchain, it is guaranteed that prices will never be listed below floor price.
🏛️ UFT Treasury: Each artwork represents fractional ownership of a revenue-earning treasury coming from Empire Ultra’s vast array of projects.
🍻 Community: Here in Empire Ultra, we aim to unite driven, like-minded individuals and serve as a support system to aid in our collective pursuit of excellence & growth.
No Rugpull: A strict floor price policy plus a reputable team means the collections will never plummet in value nor will they suddenly be abandoned.

Empire “Ultra Fungible Token” Collection @EmpireUFT
A stinging commentary on the insanity of NFTs and crypto.


1.) Sell out first 15 pieces
2.) Purchase domain.
3.) Fill out vacancies.
4.) Collection #2.
5.) Initial integration of business revenues.
6.) On-boarding of new Business Partners.
7.) New products.
8.) Collection #3.
9.) F2F
10.) New passive income sources.

UFT Treasury

1,200.00 PHP
0.0367 ETH
85.80 RON
0.002 AXS
249 Axies
2 Items
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